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Build your professionally branded app, without coding, and enjoy seamless ticketing, event management and community building.

Create your own App in minutes and start monetizing your events

KaaS.cash for all events

KaaS.cash for all events

Create your App with KaaS.cash

Create your App with KaaS.cash

We keep it simple for you

We Keep It Simple For You

No developer? No problem.

Start monetizing your community in minutes without coding or Tech help. KaaS.cash allows you to create your own app hassle-free.

Zero upfront costs.

Our solution is based on the "Pay as you earn" model with low transaction fees and administrative support for your business.
Fully customize your community’s experience with your services. From discovery to checkout.

Fully customizable experience.

Create events, centralize communication with your community. Enjoy advanced analytics and accept payments in the most secure way.

You have full control.

No developer? No problem.
Start monetizing your community in minutes without coding or Tech help. KaaS.cash allows you to create your own app hassle-free.
Zero upfront costs.
Our solution is based on the "Pay as you earn" model with low transaction fees and administrative support for your business.
Fully customizable experience.
Fully customize your community’s experience with your services. From discovery to checkout.
You have full control.
Create events, centralize communication with your community. Enjoy advanced analytics and accept payments in the most secure way.

Every tool you need
in one place

Take your personal branding and professional activity to the next level!

With over 200 customization options, you can create your own branded IOS and Android app that exactly matches your needs. With zero coding skills.

Your creativity is your limit. Get the perfect look and feel for your professional activity. You have full control.

Every tool you need in one place

Take your personal branding and professional activity to the next level!

With over 200 customization options, you can create your own branded IOS and Android app that exactly matches your needs. With zero coding skills.

Your creativity is your limit. Get the perfect look and feel for your professional activity. You have full control.
We provide the Tech
You provide your Best

We provide the Tech
You provide your Best

Instant messaging
Push notification
Community builder
Business dashboard
Payment gateway
Branded App
Our promise

Our promise

We’re all about you!
We are focused on delivering state-of-the-art tech solutions that put event organizers in control, with reasonable pricing.
100% independent.
We pride ourselves in giving your business independence.
We create value for event organizers not shareholders or anyone else.
Growing better, not just bigger.
Great user experience is a priority for us. We put a lot of efforts to achieve it – and become a part of your business adventure!
Community is Gold!
We understand the value of the community you have built and we make sure that you remain in control of it.
Inspired? Get early access to KaaS.cash
Be part of our growing community of professionals building the KaaS.cash solution with us.
Enjoy early-adopters perks and support for your professional activity.

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